
Sautéed Shiitake and Crimini Mushrooms

A quick veggie side dish with fresh produce from none other than my beloved farmer’s market.  I found a gorgeous mushroom stand at the market with a dozen or so different species of mushrooms.  Overwhelmed (and unable to pronounce most of them), I stuck with ones I knew and grabbed a few crimini and shiitake mushrooms.  Not surprisingly, I bought them without any inkling of an idea of what to do with them.  But they were awfully pretty.

Realizing they had been sitting in my fridge for a few days and would probably go bad soon, I came up with this nifty little recipe:

  • Approximately 3 medium crimini mushrooms
  • Approximately 2 shiitake mushrooms
  • A few sprigs of parsley (much less than what’s in the picture here.  I got a little overzealous:))
  • 1 medium or 2 small cloves of garlic
  • Olive oil (I didn’t measure…I just poured some into the skillet)

Heat up your skillet, drizzle with olive oil, and add sliced mushrooms:

Once the mushrooms are slightly browned, add minced garlic and chopped parsley.  Don’t let the garlic cook too long, or it becomes bitter.

All in all, this took less than 15 minutes from me looking in the fridge and remembering I had bought mushrooms, to the final plate:

I happen to adore garlic, so the amount I suggested might be a bit too much for your taste.  It surprisingly didn’t overpower the inherent taste of the mushrooms, nor did the generous amount of olive oil I poured on…

So next time you find yourself scouring your fridge, get creative with any leftover veggies you can sauté, douse with olive oil or season with fresh or dried herbs.  No sense in wasting a produce impulse purchase:)

Tip: store your mushrooms in a brown paper bag in your fridge (thanks to the mushroom guy for this trick!)

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